Can Flash Photography Really Damage Cats and Dogs Eyes?

There are no ugly pets, cats, dogs, parrots, etc. they are all gorgeous and photogenic, right? You want to photograph them, and yet you are not aware of how they feel regarding you and the …

Can Flash Photography Really Damage Cats and Dogs Eyes?

Can Flash Photography Really Damage Cats and Dogs Eyes?

There are no ugly pets, cats, dogs, parrots, etc. they are all gorgeous and photogenic, right? You want to photograph them, and yet you are not aware of how they feel regarding you and the camera in your hand. You are not familiar, whether their eyes are accustomed to flashlights or not. Not to worry, this article will tell you what you need to know to achieve impressive photographs of your pets.

Can Flash Photography Really Damage Cats and Dogs Eyes?

Photographing pets has become a profitable business, as many families want to immortalize their pets to have an unforgettable memory. The most common pets that are typically present in every second household are either cats or dogs. Some households have both these beautiful creatures and always clicking or making videos. 

For families, the animal becomes a member, so, in addition to regularly photographing them at home, they resort on many occasions to a professional photo shoot, which can be in the studio or outdoors. It is not the same to photograph your pet at home for pure pleasure as to dedicate yourself to it professionally. 

Can Flash Photography Damage a Cat’s Eyes?

How would you feel if you get a blinding flash of light in your eyes? Not good, of course. This context also applies to animals. They would be annoyed. There is no solid evidence regarding the damage of flash in damaging cat eyes. However, a professional photographer will recommend following the ethics of pet photography and researching the animals.

Like, take the example of owls. They are the birds of the night. The flash of the camera in their eyes would have repercussions. You may annoy the elegant bird. As a photographer, you will be breaking a cardinal rule as you have done something against the nature of the owl. So it’s better to know about the species of animal that you are photographing.

Can Flash Photography Damage a Dog’s Eyes?

The same principle mentioned regarding cats applies to the dog as well. When lighting a pet, the ideal thing to do is to use natural light since it will feel most comfortable. So open curtains and bring your pet closer to the light. If it is in a study where you do not have enough natural light, you will have to get continuous light.

[su_note note_color=”#c9ecff” radius=”4″]The flash, as mentioned before, leave it for other occasions. The moments scare the pets, and you can use a continuous light source if you don’t have a window.  Utilize led lights as a constant source.[/su_note]

Are LED Lights Bad for Cats’ Eyes?

If it’s not flashing, then it’s won’t harm or scare the animal. With lighting, you can awaken sensations. With a soft light, you will have sweeter portraits that inspire tenderness and tranquility while allowing you to see the details better. 

The harsh light is more dramatic and aggressive and emphasizes the textures. 

What Does it Mean When a Cat’s Eyes Glow Green? 

The reason behind a cat’s eyes glowing green is tapetum lucidum. It’s the membrane in the cat’s eyes. The membrane is the characteristic of night hunters, and it reflects light which is why it turns green. These membranes assist the mammals like cats, dogs, ferrets, etc., to perceive movement at night.

Tips For Animals Photography – Things you Need to Keep in Mind

  • The most common lenses are 50mm, 85mm, and 70-200mm (or similar) when it comes to animals. The first two, which are fixed, will give you more quality and are ideal for close-up portraits. The 70-200mm will provide you with more versatility and options for shooting from afar and in action.
  • If it is not your pet, take some time to get to know the animal and gain its confidence.
  • Photograph them at their level, even if you have to drop them to the ground. Shoot at eye level for more impact.
  • Be careful with the background. It is an essential part of the photo. A good background will elevate your pet, and an inappropriate one will ruin the photo.
  • Plan everything you can. It must be recognized that these little creatures sometimes do not collaborate, so we recommend choosing a good time, having the equipment prepared in advance and all the accessories, choosing the location well, and making a list of photos you want to get.
  • Capture the relationship with its owner or family. If you are his attachment figure, you can always have a self-portrait of your self with your pet, 
  • It is essential to adapt to the situation, be patient. Pets do not collaborate, you better be patient, or you will get frustrated.
  • Enjoy and have fun, especially if it is your pet or that of a friend. The important thing in these “non-professional” situations is not taking a photo but enjoying and gaining some experience. 
  • Get inspired by the web. Search for photos of pets for ideas. Later I will also leave you a dose of inspiration.
  • If it is outdoors, pays attention to the temperature, find out if the animal has to walk a lot to get there, etc. Taking into account the limitations and needs of the animal.
  • Before starting the shoot, give the pet some of these treats that you know he can eat while pressing the shutter so that he associates the noise of the shot with something positive.
  • Using the pet’s favorite toy or petting him where he likes it the most will not do him any harm. Ask its owners what the pet is like and how you can make him happy.
  • A collaborator always comes in handy to help you with the team, throw toys at you, ensure safety, etc.


[su_note note_color=”#ffffa5″ radius=”4″]As a professional, pet photography is similar to human photography, as it’s all about sensitivity and understanding. Try to make the environment as calm and relaxed as possible, both for the pet and for the family, because if its owner is nervous or restless, the animal will perceive it. Discomfort can lead to a career can lead to a ruined photoshoot.[/su_note]